Black Hills Health Products
Company Information

Hello & welcome to our web-site & to our line of products.

My name is Jeannene Haskell & I am now the proud owner/manager of B.H.H.P.  I purchased the old company, The Health Nuts,  from Bill D. (see below) in February of 2006.  I had worked for Bill for 4 years prior to that, as his marketing specialist, even though I was originally hired to do his accounting & bookkeeping for him, but quickly took over running the company for him with his manager's help.

I have never suffered from or been sick from any serious disease or had to deal with any, thankfully.  But I have always suffered (ever since starting into puberty) with digestion, constipation, & struggles with my weight & now obesity.  I started going to doctors in the late 70's & early 80's during my pregnancies & found I had complications from my weight.  It caused me to have gestational diabetes, high blood pressure & pre-eclampsia, but my children were born healthy & once they were born, I was fine also.  Everything was normal except my weight.  I started going to weight loss doctors in the early 80's to try to loose the extra pounds.  Now, nearly 30 years later, after trying to get control of my weight, taking numerous pills, being on numerous diets, shakes, & diet aids, going to gyms & clinics (& I almost had lap-band surgery), I am still struggling with it.  But I have learned a lot during that important journey in life about health & digestion & nutrition.  This great knowledge has helped me a great deal in being able to help others with similar problems & really gain an understanding of just how the body, it's organs, digestive system & everything all works & how they work together to help each other & the full importance of getting & maintaining a full healthy body.  I have also learned how body, mind & spirit all work together to make us whole & functioning.

I hope you like what you see on here, it is not fancy.  I am still a small company & do most everything my self & cut corners & costs on packaging, labeling, web-site designing, & such, as much as I can to keep the prices of my products down.  But I never skimp on the quality or potency of the ingredients that go into my products, they are the best on the market.  I do not use any fillers either in my products, they are as pure as can be.  So please navigate around on my web site & enjoy the information that is on here.  Please e-mail or call me if you have any questions or concerns & I will try to help you the best I can.  Have a good day!      

Bill Didier's story (the original founder of The Health Nuts)

In the early and mid nineties I had a couple very serious health challenges. Even the doctors had given up hope that I would ever be healthy again. I never gave up. I researched and learned as much as I could about the human body and because of my persistence and possibly 10,000 hours of study to find answers to my physical problems... I succeeded and now live a healthy happy life.

I wanted to share the information I had learned with as many people as possible. Since I had been involved with a few network-marketing companies in the 80s and 90s and I liked the concept of sharing great health products and making a living sharing those great health products... so I decided to open my own network marketing nutritional company.

In June of 1996 I started my first network marketing company. I called it “Freedom Marketing Group” because I wanted people to learn how to be free from physical problems and disease. It was a lot of work in the beginning and my company did grow to about 6,000 distributors at one time. I learned the ropes about running a network marketing business and the importance of getting commission checks and product orders out on time. I knew that 85 to 90% of new network marketing companies fail within the first year... so we had a little celebration after we made it past the first year. We celebrated again after two years and again after 3 years.

In March of 2000, a young man came to me with an audiotape about enzymes. His audiotape was very informative and without the hype that usually fizzles. I decided to start a sister or second company. I called it “The Health Nuts” for all the health conscious people that have been called a health nut in the past.

“The Health Nuts” officially started in June of 2000. In September, “The Real Secret to Better Health” audio was completed and we started building. We have built a nice group of highly educated health conscious people.

In December of 2000, two new products were introduced…Vitamins and Ionic Minerals. Both Products are True Cutting Edge Advancements in the health industry. The particles in both are so small it takes a million particles to equal one micron (1/100,000 of an inch). I have personally worked on this vitamin formulation for over a year to make sure all the ingredients work synergistically together for the best benefit of the human body.

In January of 2001, I went to Florida and did a seminar infomercial with a group of doctors. This group of doctors work together and will only add the absolute best products they can find to share with their clientele. When the doctors saw the quality of our products and what they could do for the human body... they were eager to make our products available to their valued clients and spread the networking news to fellow physicians.
Black Hills Health Products is now located in Black Hawk, SD but it originated in Rapid City, South Dakota and we’re proud to say we’re growing weekly.
If you decide to purchase products as a consumer or you want to build your own home based business... I welcome and thank you for your interest in achieving the best possible health.
This is what you can expect from Black Hills Health Products
  1. Products that work.
  2. We won’t skimp on the quality or the quantity of our ingredients.
  3. Your best health is our most important priority.
  4. We won’t gouge your wallet and force you to purchase more products than what you need. If you want to purchase more products... you can.
  5. Products will be shipped in a timely manner.
  6. A Compensation plan with unlimited potential, coming soon.
  7. A low $30 monthly purchase to qualify for commissions, coming soon.
  8. Retail commissions of 25% to 5% on our products, coming soon.
  9. A system that is duplicateable.
  10. The stability of a well-established network marketing company.
Refund Policy: If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied, you may request a full refund within 30 days of purchase. Requests for refunds after 30 days will not be honored, except at owner's discretion.

Privacy Policy: Privacy is a very serious matter for Black Hills Health Products. In order to process your request, we must obtain basic contact information, such as your full name, address, email address, and method of payment. This information is kept internally and never shared with third parties.
Our Purpose:
  1. Is to get you off the path of physical tragedy and get you on the highway to the best possible health. According to Dr. Edward Howell: most physical problems and disease can be traced back to improperly digested foods. Everyone’s top priority should be improving digestion and while were at it we can clean up the blood with digestive enzymes taken on an empty stomach. Most people have no idea that the human body is only designed to break down approximately 40 - 60% of the food we eat. After eating cooked and processed foods for 20 to 40 years we end up putting an enormous drain on the protectors and repairers of the human body. To lift this burden and give the protectors and repairers back their full power... digestive enzymes are the key and the answer to digesting the food properly, cleaning up the blood and giving the human body its full power to protect and repair every part of the body. The human body won’t function as good as it can without proper digestion and this is why it’s the most important step toward great health.
  2. To give you the opportunity to realize the personal freedom and financial independence most people would like to achieve. How successful you become will depend upon the time and effort you devote to building your business and your ability to market the products. If you personally take our products and share our products with as many people as possible... you will see people get excellent results like never before. If you learn as much as you can about the enzymes… you can expect to be successful... and you’re half way there. Now all you have to do is take action and put your plan in motion. Get started and build yourself a nice solid nest egg.

If you truly want to improve your health... you’ve found the right company.

Here is a brief summary of the products we are proud to offer:

We have the digestive enzymes... to dramatically improve digestion and clean up the blood. In essence when you take our digestive enzyme formulation... you use the energy in the enzymes to help digest and clean. This conserves your body’s energy and enzyme reserves. You also replace 2 negative situations that are burdening the human body with 2 positives. Positive health improvements can be expected. Proper digestion automatically creates detoxification of the entire body.

Ultimate Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Complex product and an ionic mineral water product where the particles are 100% water soluble and bio-available to the body. When you combine the enzymes... these three together will give your human body the support like it has never known before. These are the three Giants everyone needs daily.
We have a very gentle yet effective intestinal Colon Cleanse for those who want to achieve another level of better health. We also have one of the best whole leaf Aloe Vera products… it is super effective to aid in healing. Our Anti-Oxidant product is extremely potent and effective. We have a great Joint & Muscle Ease product, with MSM & glucosamine for people that need help rebuilding the soft tissue around the joints & is a great catalyst for other nutrients and supplements.

Then for those that want all the best health they can achieve...
We have the following beneficial product:
Our Ionic Water Machine separates the positive and negative ions of water as it purifies it. This is incredible tasting water and it comes right out of the faucet. The machine separates the water out of two hoses…One alkaline and one acidic. Drinking the alkaline water can help raise the pH balance of your body. If your body is acidic... it is being torn down... if it’s alkaline... it increases your immune systems ability to ward off serious or deadly health challenges.


From Jeannene Haskell - Owner/Manager
Black Hills Health Products

we sincerely do care about your health. We hope you have the time to take a closer look at our products and read as much as you can about our digestive enzymes. These digestive enzymes are so important when it comes to acquiring a properly functioning human body because: proper digestion makes living healthy possible.

 WelcomeCompany Information 

Colon Health   Colostrum  Mineral Water  Acid Wastes  One of a Kind Anti-Oxidant

Enzymes Q&A    Oatmeal Test Audio & Script  Enzyme Comparisons

Testimonials  Comp Plan  Application and Agreement

Products  Exerciser 2000  Tinctures in a Bottle

Secure On Line Order

Black Hills Health Products
7216 Lola Dr.
Black Hawk, SD  57718
Toll free (888) 383-4056
Office(605) 787-6253
Fax (605) 787-6267