Digestive Enzyme Comparisons (Chart # 2)

Each bottle of Black Hills Health Products Ultimate Enzymescontains 20,250,000 of protease, 4,500,000 of amylase and 1,350,000 of lipase. Below is how much product you would have to purchase to equal the same amount of protease, amylase and lipase. Example: You would have to buy $737.88 worth of 4Life Research enzymes to get 20,250,000 of protease. $262.24 worth to get 4,050,000 amylase. $2,811.37 worth to get 1,350,000 lipase. With Black Hills Health Products ... you get more for your money.
Company 20,250,000
Cost for
270 capsules
Average cost of the
3 ingredients
Body Extreme $81.49 $72.44 $347.70 $86.92 $167.21
Cell Tech $289.09 $165.91 $2,120.00 $63.60 $858.33
EcoQuest $592.42 $394.95 $16,456.25 $78.99 $5,814.54
Empopwernet $697.50 $390.60 $4,882.50 $59.59 $1,990.20
Eniva $101.06 $107 $60.63 $60.63 $89.57
Entrenet Nutritionals $170.36 $119.25 $89.83 $79.50 $126.48
Healing America $163.36 $122.52 $81.68 $71.88 $122.52
Infinity 2 $437.24 $291.49 $12,145.50 $58.30 $4,291.41
Intregis $815.62 $1,305.00 $6,525.00 $65.25 $2,881.87
Matol $271.20 $253.12 $2,531.25 $50.62 $1,018.52
NeFX $209.62 $83.85 $2,795.00 $83.85 $1,029.49
Nature's Sunshine $414.20 $346.18 $20,193.75 $48.46 $6,984.71
Nu Botanical $272.04 $138.11 $920.77 $59.85 $443.64
NurtiHarmony $71.03 $1,349.55 $749.75 $89.97 $723.44
Nutronix $187.12 $140.34 $935.62 $74.85 $421.03
Oxyfresh $430.43 $198.00 $4,400.00 $66.00 $1,676.14
Re-Vita $221.92 $162.00 $4,500.00 $54.00 $1,627.97
Renaissance 4 Life $425.00 $255.00 $2,550.00 $102.00 $1,076.67
RGarden Int. $142.50 $103.43 $23.75 $42.75 $89.89
Royal Body Care $312.00 $292.50 $15,600 $78.00 $5,401.50
Shaklee $1,007.10 $1,258.87 $5,595.00 $167.85 $2,620.32
Supralife $250.71 $50.14 $104.46 $58.50 $119.62
Black Hills Health Products, Inc. $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00
TriVita Way Int. No Protease $2,699.10 $5,998.00 $89.97 No Protease
Vernumi-SFI $601.47 $350.86 $4,009.82 $112.27 $1,654.05
Health food store digestive enzymes
BioSan Digest-ease $190.31 $916.56 $1,591.25 $38.19 $899.37
Digase $215.16 $206.55 $1,721.25 $34.42 $714.32
Enzymedica Digest Gold $76.58 $48.74 $119.14 $71.48 $81.49
Nutrina Plant Enzymes $187.65 $187.65 $2,606.25 $31.27 $993.85
Nuzymes $374.06 $179.55 $2,992.50 $59.85 $1,182.04
PowerPlus Enzymes $136.10 $35.39 $629.64 $47.20 $266.86
RenewZyme $74.05 $240.67 $1,069.64 $89.85 $461.45
Proactazyme $414.20 $346.18 $20,193.75 $48.46 $6,984.71
Udo’s Choice $341.10 $170.55 $1,895.00 $56.85 $802.22
With this comparison chart... you can see what you’re actually getting for your money. Notice: there is only one company under $100 average in the last column... Black Hills Health Products You could actually buy 2 bottles of “The Health Nuts Ultimate Enzymes” and still be under the $100 average.


Black Hills Health Products
7216 Lola Dr.
Black Hawk, SD  57718

Toll free (888) 383-4056
Office(605) 787-6253
 Fax (605) 787-6267